Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Over the past couple of days it is becoming clear to me that I will not be able to reverse my sons type 1 diabetes. It's been 21 months since he was diagnosed and I have tried the gamut of diets. Currently there is no dairy, gluten, grains, beans, almost no fruits or simple sugar of any kind. Daily supplements, food enzymes, ph balance water, organic food and bath products.... 2 weeks before Thanksgiving we started a raw/vegan diet, which gave me hope for the first 3 days and then his sugar went right back to fluctuating. He has been ravenous over the past two weeks and as of this week we have added some fish and chicken back in.

To add to the interesting dynamic we have in the household I am hypoglycemic, have been for years but it's finally to the point that I am now "having" to pay attention to me. Plus I now know that it is a precursor to diabetes.

I have started doing some research on metabolic typing. I found this great website it has been a vast resource but figuring out ones metabolic type is a pretty costly expense. Any thoughts???

Sacred Times

Every night I lie with Harrison until he drifts off to sleep. I imagine as a small child listening to the cricks and sounds of a house or watching the strange shadows move and change form is scary...It's scary for me at times as an adult. To have the comfort of a parent's warm body next to you and the steady rhythm of the breath and heartbeat moving in sync with one another is not only comforting but also, ethereal. When we sleep and release consciousness our spirits are free to become reconnected in an unseen realm. No matter how challenging the day has been whenever I have the pleasure of lying with my sleeping child in my arms, I know in my heart I am exactly where I am supposed to be, enjoying the serenity and peace of the moment. This kind of connection is so sacred and fleeting. This time will pass soon, just like the time I spent carrying him inside my body, and nourishing him with my breast milk, along with the time spent eagerly awaiting his first word, or experiencing the first real hug given by him to me. I know this time is precious, I trust we both are building a bond to last lifetimes and perhaps even rekindling memories of previous life times already past.

I am so eternally grateful for having the experience of being a mom. Thank you, thank you.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hello Out There

I have been thinking about blogging for about 4 months now. Life has provided me with an interesting situation through which I have been thrust into a new way of thinking and living. Through these new experiences I have learned much and I continue to learn daily.

If you are a seeker of knowledge and a lover of the divine energy that creates and maintains all please stay tuned. Or perhaps you are a parent of a child with Type 1 Diabetes and you know in your heart of hearts there is a better way of living then carb counting, meal planning and multiple insulin injections. Or perhaps you are a parent desiring to love and maintain an open loving connection with your child.

I know I have a lot of ground to cover here, meanwhile I am uncovering and rediscovering who I truly am admist all this. Hence the name Returning to Grace. Grace is the state where we began our journey, and after a few wrong turns we forgot how to get back to Grace. After traveling down some wrong roads, roads we knew from the beginning were the wrong roads, we finally started to pay attention to the sign posts. Even though some of the roads the signs are pointing us towards look like uncharted territory, we hear the call of something wonderous waiting for us. Now, we choose to be brave and to believe and to have faith that everything is always working out in our benefit. And so it is.