Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Does this ever get easier?

I've taken a year off from blogging about life as a single mom of a young child with Type 1 Diabetes to get a handle on life as a whole. July 2010 my son and I moved to a new townhome, in a relatively quiet area and life as a single mom with a 4 year old is finally finding its own rhythm. Aaaahhh...We have far more beautiful and amazing days than off days. Diabetes and diet is still our number one priority. H just had his endocrinology check up and his A1C's are at 6.7. Awesome!!! Even on the days his blood sugars seem out of control the over all result is, we are doing a good job. My need to control everything H puts in his mouth is taking a back seat to his enjoying his life. We are still, gluten, soy and dairy free, which really isn't that hard to live with, unless of course we aren't at home when we get hungry. Finding other moms with the same focus on healthy food with age apropriate children is challenging. It's a good thing we enjoy eachothers company so much. H is growing by leaps and bounds, 3'8 and 51 lbs. He loves, swimming, golf, soccer, painting, drawing, coloring, dancing, insects, cars, learning. His imagination is incredible, I love this age.

Today we were at a birthday pool party and everyone was having such a great time. When we arrived H's sugar was a little low, (I tried to plan for food and snacks) H snacked on some gluten free pretzels and played...sugar leveled off, then everyone wanted "lemonaid" all the kids were getting their cups and of course H just wants to try it...I had just given him some insulin to cover the second hand full of pretzels and thought he would be fine if he had a taste. An hour later, birthday cake was being served, (I bought H his own slice of gluten, soy, dairy, sugar free, cake) I checked his sugar, 398. WT? Impossible, he had been swimming for hours how on Earth is he this high? So, now what do I do, tell him he can't have cake, while we wait out the 2 hours left on the insulin? Ugh!! Instead I opt to give him more insulin and cake. We will be leaving soon, I still have "emergency food" in the car if we need it...I'll be vigilant, but STRESSED the entire time. I give my son the sliver of cake, everyone else is getting huge pieces of ice cream cake, covered in colorful icing, with crumbled cookies and layers of chocolate. (An amazing looking cake) H finishes before everyone and is sitting with his best friend while his best friend enjoys his slice of cake. H is asking for a detailed description of every bite. "What does the pink part taste like, the blue part, what's that???" My heart is aching, the cakes takes about 15 minutes for everyone to finish, Thank God!! Can we get back to playing??? About 45 min after his insulin injection I start getting that mommy sixth sense feeling...check his sugar, check it now...I check him and he is 68, oh, good lord. Here baby, have some cake. His sugar comes up to 92, but 40 minutes later, just as I am putting dinner on the table, he's at 42. Here's half a banana, and a hand full of crackers. Dinner is served, thank goodness, but no, H doesn't want the brown rice couscous he just wants the protein. We sill have another hour on the insulin...I give him a 1/4 of a Larabar (love them!!) and off to bath and bed he goes. At bed he's a little hight 131 but he's been playing all day, I need to watch him...9:30 his at 268. Oh, come one!!! So, when does it get easier?

For now, we are finding our way. Most days run smoothly and predictably.

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